30+ Hilarious Boat Names That Will Make You Laugh

Published on 06/12/2024

Ahead of Its Time

This boat’s owner must have previous experience. If the name Uh-oh! indicates anything, he doesn’t have much boating experience, but he does have some history on the water, which may explain why he chose to paint this name upside-down. That’s not a name you forget, especially when you see it right side up. Hopefully, the owner has a few life jackets, a flare pistol, and an inflatable raft tucked away inside. The waves are often rough, therefore this name may be prophetic.

Ahead Of Its Time

Ahead Of Its Time


Should Have Seen It Coming

Have they never heard of tempting fate? The Titanic sank into the cold depths over a century ago, but the narrative lives on. This boat owner decided to join his humble ship to the vast list of seafaring vessels bearing this legendary name, and then the unavoidable occurred. Titanic II had a lower body count. While the first ended up being the final voyage for almost 1500 individuals, this accident was on a lesser scale, with no deaths and a couple of amusing photos.

Should Have Seen It Coming

Should Have Seen It Coming